Monday, September 7, 2015

How to map a shared drive from Windows host to Unix VM

To map a Windows drive to UNIX VM perform the following steps

On Windows
1. Create a folder in windows called VM_SHARED

2.Click on properties go to Sharing. Go to Advanced sharing and select Share this folder.

   Click OK/Apply.

On Unix VM

1. Go to Device Menu
2. Click on Insert Guest Additions CD Image

 3. Alternatively go to the directory of the Guest Additions CD and click on the

 4. Once the Guest Additions are successfully installed. Restart both Unix and Windows systems

 After restarting the host windows system and unix VM,  
 1.Go to Device Menu on the Unix VM

2 .Choose the Shared Folders- > Shared Folder Setting

3. Choose the path of the windows folder created on step 1. Give a logical name to the shared folder as ‘VM-SHARED’

4. open the terminal

 Change to root user

 Create a directory called windowsdrive under home directory

Now mount this directory to the shared windows folder as given below

sudo mount -t vboxsf VM_SHARED /home/windowsdrive

Now if you place a file under the VM_SHARED directory in windows, it will be visible in the  /home/windowsdrive

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