Sunday, November 2, 2014

The connection pool associated with it has already been destroyed

This error happens when WLS server invalidates the connections when we redeploy the adapter after adding a new JNDI . In such cases WLS server invalidates all the previous connection pool.

Though the connection pool JNDIs are visible at adapter configuration at run time it may fail with the error message "The connection pool associated with it has already been destroyed".

This seems to be a bug in weblogic

This mostly happens when we perform Adapter redeployment frequently.

To avoid this issue,

1.Delete all the existing connection pool JNDIs
2.Redeploy the Adatper
3.Restart your server
4.Add a new connection pool JNDI
5.Redeploy the Adapter

After this for any new JNDI added to the adapter ,ensure you only update the Adapter, not redeploy.

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